How to Make a Good First Impression at Work

How to Make a Good First Impression at Work

Feeling anxious and apprehensive on your first day at a new job is perfectly natural. After all, you are going into the completely unknown. The first day sets the tone for how you will get on for the rest of your work tenure, and therefore, it is important to make a great first impression. Here are some ways to ensure you make a good impression at work.

Dress Professionally

You should dress professionally on your first day and wear an outfit that is in accordance with the company's rules. If you are going into a construction job, you wouldn't be expected to wear a suit on your first day, for instance. However, you should still ensure you are well turned out. The way you dress and project yourself says a lot about the respect you have for yourself, and this can help you make a strong impression on your first day at work.

Be Punctual

Aim to turn up 10 minutes before you are due to start on your first day. Good punctuation will set you on the right foot. If you are late on your first day, your manager may be concerned that this is a sign of things to come during your employment. If you are unsure of the exact location of where you are going on your first day, run a test before your start date to avoid mishaps.


If nerves get the better of you on your first day, you may end up coming across as a little rude. When we are nervous, we tend not to smile and can be easily distracted. Try to be mindful of how you are coming across to people, smile, be friendly, and try to remember names. Sometimes, a first impression can be difficult to change. If someone initiates a conversation with you, converse back and show interest in them.


If you suffer from anxiety, the thought of going for lunch with a bunch of strangers probably feels crippling. However, if you start off by rejecting offers to go for lunch with your colleagues, it will set you on the wrong foot at work. Once you are settled, you can do your own thing, but at least for the first day, show that you are willing to get to know your team.


The first day is more about listening and taking in information than doing work. It is unlikely that you will do any work on your first day. Try to absorb as much as possible, and show that you are actively listening. When nerves take over, it can be easy to get side tracked and forget to listen, especially with the volume of information you are given on your first day.

Observe Culture

Every workplace has its culture, and observing that on your first day at work is essential. You will get a good understanding of your colleagues' behaviours so you can replicate them to fit in with the culture. Of course, this can take a while to fully understand, but showing your interest in fitting in with the culture will help make your first day successful and enable you to make a good first impression.

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