How to Manage Interview Nerves

The prospect of attending an interview is enough to make anyone nervous. It is a perfectly understandable feeling, as you don’t know what to expect. It is crucial that you don’t get too caught up in your nervous feelings, but instead, understand that these are a normal part of the process. You can make sure you manage your interview nerves in order to keep them under control. These are some ways to manage your interview nerves.

Preparation is Key

Making sure you are prepared for your interview is key to managing your interview nerves. Preparation for an interview includes researching the company so you have a clear understanding of what they do, their culture etc. You should also read through the job description and ensure you have examples of how you fit with the duties of the role. When you are prepared for the job interview, you will feel less interview nervous anxiety.

Research the Interviewers

Sometimes the fear of the unknown, rather than the reality, is what makes us nervous. One way to help reduce your interview nerves anxiety is to search the names of the interviewers on LinkedIn or on Google so you know what they look like. Having a clear image of who is interviewing you, may help to put your nerves at ease.

Good Night’s Sleep

There is no underestimating the importance of a good night's sleep. Not sleeping properly can have an impact on your health and statistics reveal that 66% of adults believe that a poor sleep has impacted their mental health. Therefore, you can significantly reduce your interview nerves by ensuring you get a good night’s sleep before the interview. The less tired you feel, the more alert you will be, and this will help to ease the pressure of the looming interview.

Get Organised

Making sure you are organised for the interview will help to ease the pressure. If you have never been to the location of the interview, for instance, you may want to visit it the day before so you know how long it takes. The last thing you want is to turn up late for an interview, as this is seriously frowned upon.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your interview with a friend in the first instance so you feel more confident about your answers. They will be able to give you feedback, which will help prepare you for the interview and reduce those interview jitters.

Consider Your Responses

During the interview, you should take time to consider your responses before you respond. There is no rush to answer questions and having a think before you answer is better than failing to get your key points across. If you need to move on from a question to have a more considered approach, do it!

Positive Attitude

Above all, go into the interview with a positive attitude. Believe that you can succeed in the interview and you’ll be more likely to feel relaxed. A positive attitude is half the battle to achieving success in an interview. 

To get to the interview stage, you will need to have a high quality CV. At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with professional CV writing services in Glasgow. We offer our CV services globally, and can help you reach the interview stage.  You can order a new CV or contact us, and we will get back to you.

A Guide to Preparing for Your Job Search

Preparing for work can seem daunting whether you are already employed and looking for a better opportunity or unemployed. You might need to figure out where to start, especially if you have been out of work for some time. Developing a job search strategy and breaking it down into steps will make it far easier and more fruitful. Our guide will help you prepare for your job search.

Career Goals

Before you start looking for work, the first step is to ensure you know your career goals. Think about what you want to achieve in the next year/five years and after that. If you are still determining what type of job you are suitable for, consider your skills and what career these would fit with. Your career goals may change over time, but it's a good idea to have a vision before you start your job search.

Professional CV

Once you have a clear image of what you'd like to do in your career, the next step is to ensure you have a high-quality, professional CV. Your CV is the first thing a recruiter will see, and it must be perfect before you start your job search. Employers expect applicants to have a strong CV. Otherwise, they are not likely to invite you for an interview. You could miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime – just because you haven't spent time on your CV. If you want to ensure your CV gives you the best chance of success, you may opt for professional CV writing services.

Update LinkedIn Profile

There are 1 billion people registered with LinkedIn, so it is well worth getting your profile in shape before you start your job search. LinkedIn is a professional social networking tool and a vital resource when searching for a job. Recruiters use LinkedIn to search for relevant candidates, so ensuring you are maximising your profile will help get you on their radar. You can also reach out to potential recruiters and employers within your industry.

Use Your Contacts

Make sure you let your contacts know that you are looking for work, as they may know about opportunities or might put the word out for you. Let your friends know that you are looking for work. Your network can be crucial as you prepare for your job search. You could even prepare for job searching by posting about your intentions to look for a new job on your social platforms (just keep your current employer from seeing it!) You can also use resources like Indeed jobs to help you source a new role.

Get Interview Ready

Make sure you are ready for last-minute interviews. Some actions include ensuring you have a clear space for a video interview and suitable attire for an interview. You might get little notice, so preparing for all eventualities is vital.

At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with the experience of our CV writers through our expert CV writing services. We will ensure that you get the best possible chance of success when looking for a new job. You can order a new CV directly here, and we will be in touch to discuss your needs in more detail. Alternatively, contact us, and we will get back to you.

5 Tips for a Successful Video Interview

Virtual interviews, or video interviews as they are often known, are still relatively common within the workplace. Platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, and Zoom meetings are among the most popular for video interviews in the workplace. They are most often used for remote working roles or as a first interview if there are various stages in the interview process. You should treat a video interview as you would with any other interview. Some candidates treat a video interview like a casual chat, but you should never forget that it’s a formal interview. These are some tips for ensuring you have a successful video interview.

Clear Background

Your interviewer should focus entirely on you during the interview, so your background must be clear from clutter and distractions. Choose a part of the home where you will get complete peace to undertake your video interview without interruption. If you have pets, ensure they are only in the room if you are sure they will stay quiet. You may even decide using another location, like a quiet coffee shop, would be more appropriate.

Test in Advance

Make sure everything is working before you go on the virtual interview. For example, the video interview platform works, and you have a strong internet connection. Set everything up well in advance to prevent any unfortunate situations.

Turn up Early

There is usually a ‘waiting room’ that you sit in before the video interview starts while you wait for the organiser to give you access. It is good etiquette to wait before the interviewer turns up, as this will show that you have good timekeeping skills. The last thing you want is to have disgruntled interviewers on the other end because you turned up ten minutes late.

Dress Appropriately

You should always wear smart clothes while undertaking the video interview at home. Interviews are formal and should always be treated as such. You don’t need to go as far as a suit, but something smart casual will be appropriate. Virtual interviewing may not seem as formal as a face-to-face interview, but you should treat it as such.

Engage with the Interviewer

It’s not as easy to gauge body language during a video interview, but it is crucial that you listen and don’t talk over the interviewer. You have the benefit of using notes during the video interview, but try not to do this as it distracts you from the interview. Listen carefully to what the interviewer is asking you and take time to answer the questions as fully as possible.

To reach the video interview stage, you must first ensure that you have a high-quality, professional CV to grab the attention of recruiters. You can order your new CV today or contact us, and we will arrange a free consultation.



5 Tips for Working Successfully at Home

Since the Covid pandemic, remote and hybrid working have become increasingly prevalent in the workplace. According to the Office of National Statistics, self-employed workers are more likely to work from home, with 32%, compared to 14% of those in employment. Employees working in London have the highest instances of hybrid working, with 4 in 10 adopting this approach. There are more working from home jobs in the UK than before the pandemic hit. Working from home offers many benefits, including the ability to have a better work and life balance and the opportunity to spend more time with family. However, it can be challenging to work from home. These are some tips for working successfully at home.

Carve out a Schedule

When you work from home and have a family, you will have the inevitable distractions that come with people coming and going. Working out a schedule with your family is essential so you don’t get diverted from your work. For instance, organising childcare while you work or entering another room where you can lock yourself away from noise. You may find working a bit earlier before the school run starts or later in the evening is more effective. If you live alone and don’t have such distractions, it is still important to carve out your own schedule when working from home. You will have a more successful day if you determine the hours you plan to work, including breaks and a task list.

Create a Comfortable Space

It can be easy to get into the habit of working from your couch or bed while you work, but there are more productive and professional ways to work. You are more likely to maximize your day if you create a comfortable space with a desk, chair, excellent lighting, and all the necessary practical items. The last thing you want is to spend the entire day and night in your bed. It’s not good for your posture when working from home, apart from anything else!

Step Away from Digital Distractions

We all know the issue of spending too much time on our phones. It is a distraction from work and not a very useful one at that! A glance at Facebook or TikTok, and before you know it, you have wasted a few hours. An excellent way to manage your digital distractions is to set specific times for checking your phone during the day, for instance, in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Save your social media browsing for the evening when you are finished working from home for the day.

Regular Breaks

One of the main benefits of working from home is that you can take more regular breaks and get out in the fresh air. Make sure you take breaks every hour or so and get out for a quick walk when you can. Fresh air will make you feel more refreshed and is good for your mental and physical well-being. Make sure you have a network around you so that you do not go the entire working day without speaking to anyone.

Assign Times for Emails

New emails can be a distraction. You might find yourself amid a task, and before you know it, you’ll reply to a new email as it arrives. For some roles, responding to emails is the central part of the role, but if not, assign specific times when you plan to catch up on emails.

If you are looking for a flexible role, the first step is to ensure you have a professional, high-quality CV. At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with a CV that helps you reach the interview stage. You can order your new CV today or contact us, and we will arrange a free consultation.


How to Build a Strong Network

A strong network can help in various aspects of your life. It can increase your chances of securing a new job, help you progress your career, and allow you to connect with like-minded people. If you are self-employed, having a solid network around you is crucial, as this can help support your mental health. You may feel that everyone around you seems to have a strong network, but you don’t have a big group of supportive people around you. Don’t worry; there are many ways you can start building your network.

Reach out to current connections

Whether it’s friends or acquaintances, it is essential to keep these relationships active. Finding time to meet up with people can often be challenging, especially if you have a stressful job, but this is a vital aspect of building a solid network. You may feel overwhelmed or anxious about meeting up with people, but this is an excellent step to take when creating a network. Reach out to people you know and get something in the diary.

Find people in your industry

It is a good idea to connect with people in your industry, as you can share ideas and tips. You may even find a new career opportunity or a new client. You can do this by adding LinkedIn connections, joining relevant social media groups, and searching for specific industry-led events on platforms like Eventbrite.

Networking events

Networking events can often seem daunting, but they are a great way to meet people. There are different networking events; some are structured, and others are more relaxed. Find the one that best suits your style, or you may even consider setting up a networking event of your own. Networking events don’t to involve everyone sitting nervously around tables, pitching to their audience. If you join groups with like-minded people, such as a running or book group, you will also get the opportunity to network. Charity work can also be helpful for networking.

Engage with Network

You can increase your presence and, therefore, your network by engaging with others and, for instance, sharing, commenting, and liking posts from connections on your professional network. People will soon start to take notice of you and may even reach out with opportunities.

Having a solid network is crucial when you are job searching. You should also ensure you have a high-quality, professional CV. At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with a CV that will help you reach the interview stage. You can order your new CV today or contact us, and we will arrange a free consultation.



11 Types of Job Searching Strategies to Improve Your Chances of Success

The whole process of job searching can be soul-destroying; especially if you feel you are getting nowhere fast. If you are looking for work, it is crucial that you use a variety of job-searching strategies to improve your success. These are some job-searching strategies to consider when you are looking for a new role.

Job Sites

There are a range of job sites that can help support your job search, including Indeed, S1 Jobs (for Scotland), and Total Jobs. You should aim to apply for at least a few jobs each day, and importantly, don’t forget to take note of the jobs you’ve applied for. At the end of the week, you may want to follow up with the employers you have applied to, to check if they have received your application and if they have any feedback they can share.

Company Websites

Job seekers often forget to look at the company website, instead of general job sites. Not all companies will post jobs on other websites, as it can be extremely costly. If there are specific companies you’d like to work for, make sure you check out their website to see if they are recruiting. There may also be the option to send your CV to a general mailbox.


If you are not using LinkedIn, it is time to set up an account. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking. It allows you to connect with recruiters, and you can use the ‘open to work’ banner to let people know you are interested in hearing about opportunities. You can also share a status to inform others about what you are looking for and ask people to let you know about any opportunities they have.

Previous Employers

If there are previous companies you enjoyed working for, don’t be afraid to reach out to them to enquire about any vacancies they have. You never know where it may lead and at least you’ll know what to expect if you do gain employment.

Recruitment Agencies

You can also register with recruitment agencies to give your job search efforts a boost. Many employers use recruitment agencies to save them the time and hassle of dealing with recruitment, so they may have access to opportunities you haven’t found online. They can also actively look for suitable employment for you. This approach allows you to cover all bases.

Job Fairs

Job fairs are a great way to meet employers face-to-face and target your approach. Job fairs can usually be found at football stadiums, Universities, and colleges. You can find out which employers are attending before the event, so you know which ones will be of interest. Some employers will do a quick interview with you on the day, others will take your details. Make sure you have a professional CV with you!

Face to Face

It is not practical to walk into an office and ask about jobs, but if you are looking within the service industry, such as retail, hotels, etc, it is perfectly acceptable to enquire about vacancies at the reception desk. You never know, you might even get an interview on the day if they are looking to hire urgently.

Social Media

Many companies advertise their vacancies on social media, so this is another option you can utilise. For instance, if you search “Jobs in Glasgow” or “Jobs in London”, you will find a whole array of posts and groups advertising jobs.

Friends and Family

Job seekers often feel embarrassed about being out of work, and although it is perfectly natural to feel this way, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. We have all found ourselves out of work at one stage or another so don’t be afraid to utilise your network. Let your friends and family know that you are looking for work. They may be able to put the word out in their workplace.

Consider Temporary Work

Although you may want to secure a permanent role, you should not close yourself off to temporary opportunities. Temporary assignments can help ensure your CV is kept up-to-date, while also giving you the opportunity to have an income while you look for a more stable role.

Open Days

Employers often run open days, which candidates can attend to get a better insight into the company and their vacancies. Attending these will show that you are eager to gain employment and that you are willing to step out of your comfort zone. You can also find out if it is the right fit for you before you decide whether to progress with your application.

With any of these job searching strategies, it is vital to have a professional, high-quality CV to enhance your prospects. At Inspired CVs, we have experienced UK writers who will help enhance your experience and skills through our CV writing services. You can order your new CV today or contact us and we will be in touch to discuss your options.


10 Reasons You Did Not Get the Job

There is nothing more frustrating than attending interview after interview without success; especially if you don’t receive any feedback. Employers are often reluctant to give feedback for several reasons. They may not want to say something that could hurt your feelings, they may be worried that it will escalate into an argument, or they may just be interviewing too many candidates. It is difficult to understand where you went wrong without this feedback though and it can be extremely demoralising. These are some of the possible reasons you are not being offered the job.

Lack of research

Unbelievably, some candidates attend interviews with absolutely no idea about the company. Not only does this seem lazy, but it also raises questions as to why you are even interested in a job you know nothing about. Make sure you know the company, what they do, and key information – such as the size of the company and the locations they operate in. It is within your best interests to understand the company and whether they are a good fit for you too.

Uninterested in the job

When asked why you want a job, it is important that you come across as enthusiastic. Saying things like ‘I wasn’t really looking, but thought I would just apply anyway’, is not going to positively impact the interviewer. Make sure you go into the interview with enthusiasm about the role and the company.

You do not have the right skills

Make sure you read the job description properly before applying and ensure you fit ALL the essential requirements of the role. If a recruiter has approached you, ask them what the non-negotiables are before you attend an interview. It can be embarrassing to be asked if you have certain skills during an interview when you don’t have them.

Negative attitude

The employer wants to hire someone who has a positive attitude that will benefit their business. The last thing they want to hear during an interview is a negative attitude and negative chat about a previous employer. Bring your best self to the interview – even if you are not feeling in the best mood on the day.

Making requests

The interview is not the time to start making requests to the employer. For instance, saying things like ‘I can only work 2 days in the office’, or ‘I need a week off every two months.’ If you have specific needs, wait until you receive a job offer before you go into these types of discussions. If you need to work remotely, make sure you know if this is possible before attending the interview, otherwise you are wasting both your own and the employer’s time.

Not the right fit

It might simply be that you don’t seem like you would fit into the culture of the organisation. This is not something to take personally; every company is different in this regard. We can’t have a good relationship with everyone, and it might just be that your conversation with the interviewer didn’t flow the way they’d have wanted

Internal hire

Some organisations go through an interview process which also includes an internal candidate. Of course, they are most likely to get the job, but they may just need to go through this process.

You talked too much

The interview should be a two-way street and while it is important to come across as enthusiastic during the interview, it is also vital that you listen to the interviewer. If you keep talking over the interviewer, it shows disinterest in what they’re saying and may come across as rude. Most people do this because they are nervous, but you should be aware of this before you attend the interview.

One-word answers

An interview is a conversation and if the interviewer asks you a question, they expect an in-depth answer. For example, if they ask if you are experienced in using social media, you should discuss how and when you use it, as well as the platforms and any success you have had with it.

Not enough experience

We cannot account for the other candidates who attend an interview, and it may just be that another candidate had more experience than you. There is nothing much that can be done about someone having more experience.

It is important to ask for feedback after an interview – and if you don’t receive it – ask again. Let the recruiter know that you want to improve your interview skills and their feedback would really enable this.

The first step in achieving an interview is to ensure you have a high quality. At Inspired CVs, we provide candidates with high-quality professional CVs. If you are looking for a new CV, you can order today or contact us for more information.

4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Invited for an Interview

If you’re applying for jobs and never achieving an interview, it is likely to be down to the quality of your CV or your job search strategy. The CV is the only thing an employer can use to assess your relevant skills and experience, and therefore, it must be impactful. Many candidates undersell themselves on their CVs or fail to highlight their main achievements. These are some reasons you may not be getting invited for an interview.


It’s too long

If your CV is more than 3 pages long, it could put the recruiter off. The recruiter wants to be able to read something that is concise, so they can easily pull out your relevant skills. If it is too lengthy, it can be difficult to decipher, and therefore, the recruiter may give up and move to the next candidate. You don’t need to mention every job you’ve ever done, especially if you have a long career history; 10 years of experience is sufficient on your CV.

Spelling errors


When your CV contains errors, it can look unprofessional, and it may seem that you haven’t taken much time over it. Your CV should be as polished as possible, and there should be time and effort spent on it. It is the only thing the employer knows about you, and it is the first step to achieving an interview invite.


Blanket approach


It is important to make small tweaks to your CV if you’re applying for diverse types of roles. For instance, if you’re open to both admin and care roles, you might need to make minor changes to your CV to align it with the role. A blanket approach might not work for different types of roles as you may not highlight the right skills for the role.


Failing to follow up


Most of us have been in a situation where we have applied for a job, and it seems to have fallen into a black hole! There is no acknowledgment, so you don’t even know if it’s been received by the recruiter. Thankfully, we have resources like LinkedIn at our disposal nowadays, allowing us to connect with employers directly. If you have applied for a job, there is no harm in reaching out to the recruiter to ask if they’ve received it. When job searching, it is important to be proactive.


Many candidates use our professional CV writing service in Glasgow to create a high-quality CV. It can be time-consuming to do it yourself and we often don’t see the woods for the trees when writing our own CVs. Our professional CV writers will ensure your key skills are highlighted and that you are really selling yourself to the employer. You can order your CV here, or contact us and we will get in touch. Our CV writing services are available globally, with a fast turnaround.

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