10 Potential Questions to Ask Before Accepting a New Job

If you’ve been out of work for a while and get offered a new job, your instant reaction may be to bite the hand off the person offering you the job, and accept it straight away. However, by accepting a job that doesn’t suit you, you could end up miserable and back to square one. This is why it is imperative to ask some questions before accepting a job. These are some of the most important questions to consider asking.

  1. What is the culture of the organisation?

We all have certain environments that we will thrive in, and others that will leave us heading to the nearest exit. For instance, you may prefer to work to strict guidelines/processes or alternatively, to work in an environment where your ideas and opinions will be taken on board. It is vital to understand the culture of the organisation before you accept the job.

  1. What is your management style?

Another important question to ask is around management style. If you are used to working independently and your new manager is someone that will want to speak to you every day, it probably won’t work out. Ask about management style and tell the employer what you are looking for. There is nothing wrong with turning a job down for this reason, it is better to be selective than to end up being miserable!

  1. Can I visit the office before I accept?

If your interview has been conducted online, you may want to visit the office before accepting, so you get an understanding and feel for where you will be working.

  1. Is there any flexibility in the role?

Since Covid, many employers have offered greater flexibility in the workplace, with 60% having established flexible working arrangements. If flexibility is important to you, you should ask about this before you accept the job.

  1. Is there training in place?

No matter how experienced you are, there should be some training in place before you get started. Make sure you understand what this looks like, so you know you won’t just be thrown in the deep end and left to sink or swim.

  1. What are the expectations of this role?

Discuss what is expected of you before you accept the job offer so you know if it is realistic or not. For instance, if you are being offered a recruitment agency role and the expectation is that you have two hires in the first week, you are going to be put under excessive pressure. There should be no expectations until you are settled into the role and have had adequate training.

  1. Do you pay expenses?

If your role will involve a lot of travelling, it is worth asking if travel expenses will be covered. The last thing you want is for your entire salary to be eaten up with work related travelling costs.

  1. What are the opportunities to progress?

If you have aspirations to progress your career in the future, it is worth checking that there are places to go in the organisation. For instance, if you are joining a small business, there may not be immediate possibilities to progress, however, this may be a potential for the future. Find out what the plans are for future growth, if this is important to you.

  1. Who are your key clients?

The clients the organisation chooses to work with will give you a good insight into their values and this can help you make a decision on whether you would like to accept an offer.

  1. Are there any perks as part of the job offer?

You may want to find out what perks you get if you accept the job offer. For instance, good holidays, bonus package, commission or flexible working.

The first step in achieving success in an interview is to ensure your CV hits the right spot. We provide CV services in Glasgow, as well as throughout the rest of the globe. You can order directly here or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

How to Succeed in an Interview

It can be highly frustrating to attend an interview for a job you really want, only to fail at the first hurdle. It is particularly demoralising if you don’t receive any feedback, or the feedback is vague. Although your experience and skills are of course important, there are other traits that employers are looking for during an interview. Here are some best tips for interview success.

Show Enthusiasm

Employers are looking to hire people with enthusiasm for the company as they will have the ability to enhance the business. Smiling during the interview, and refraining from any negativity will instantly enhance your appeal. Even if you are unhappy in your current role, you should avoid getting into any negative discussion about your employer.

Refer to the Brand

The employer wants to hire someone who is passionate about their brand and wants to be there for the long term. Avoid general chat during the interview, try to keep the brand in mind when discussing your future desires and career objectives. For instance, instead of saying ‘I would like to achieve a management role in the next five years’, you could say ‘I really love the direction your organisation is going in and I would love to be part of the management team in the future.’ Always keep the company in mind with your answers – and do your research!

Avoid Interruptions

When the interviewer is talking, make sure you don’t interrupt them. This often happens when interviewees are nervous, but it can be quite off-putting. It can appear that you are not interested in what they are saying.

Don’t Make Demands

It is better to discuss the needs you have before you attend an interview than to talk about them during an interview. For instance, if you want to work on a hybrid model, ask if this is a possibility before you attend. Otherwise, you could be wasting both the interviewers and your own time. If you have specific needs, such as holidays at a certain time, wait until you are offered the job before you discuss this. The interview is not the time to start putting demands on the interviewer.

At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with our professional CV services to help support your job search. You can contact us or order online to give yourself the best chance of securing your dream job. If you need some interview coaching, our experienced career coaches can also help. If you are looking for the best CV writing services UK, we can help!

How to Deal with Recruiter Ghosting

You have probably heard about people ‘ghosting’ in the dating world, but what about when it happens during the recruitment process? Ghosting means the same in both instances; it is a word used to describe stopping contact without any explanation. Throughout the recruitment process, you will deal with a recruiter, whether that is via a recruitment agency or an internal team. It can be highly frustrating when they initially seem keen but suddenly stop responding to emails or phone calls. So why does recruiter ghosting occur, and how do you handle it without taking it personally?

When Does Recruiter Ghosting Occur?

Recruiters may ghost you at any stage of the recruitment process. Most commonly, a recruitment agency will discuss a role with you and fail to get back to you, or you may attend an interview and hear nothing back. It is difficult not to take this personally. In an ideal world, the recruiter will keep you updated. However, there are many reasons why you might not hear back from the recruiter.

Unsuitable for the Role

A typical scenario is the recruiter desperately trying to get hold of you to discuss a role, only to disappear after you send your CV to them. The reasons for this are usually a result of a high number of applications and your CV being unsuitable. The recruiter may be too busy to contact unsuccessful candidates, or they may not want to give you any negative feedback. Feedback is important as you may need professional CV writing services or interview assistance.

Internal Issues

It is often the case that internal issues are the reason recruiters suddenly ghost their candidates. For instance, the company may have found someone internal to do the job or may have decided they no longer had a requirement. In addition, sometimes, a lack of funding can cause a role to be pulled.

Lack of Professionalism

A good recruiter will get keep their candidates updated – good or bad. It can be challenging to do this at the screening stage, but not responding to a candidate after an interview is unprofessional. In this case, you might be better off not working for this company.

Dealing with Recruiter Ghosting

Although recruiter ghosting might be out of your hands, there are some steps you can take to try and ensure this doesn’t happen.

Build Good Relationships

Recruiters are less likely to ghost you if you have formed a good relationship with them. It is important to stay in touch with your recruiter and build positive relations with them.

Understand the Timeline

Ask your recruiter about the expected timeline of the recruitment process and whether unsuccessful candidates will receive feedback. That way, you will go into the process with your eyes open.

Reach Out

If you haven’t heard back from the recruiter after your interview, for instance, reach out and request feedback. Tell the recruiter why you want the feedback and how it will help your career. Some recruiters don’t understand the significance of providing feedback.

Active Job Search

Don’t just give up on your job search because you have applied for a role you like or even if you have attended the interview. Don’t put your eggs in one basket; keep your job search active until you receive a job offer that you’re happy with.

At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with our professional CV services to help support your job search. You can contact us or order online to give yourself the best chance of securing your dream job. If you need some interview coaching, our experienced career coaches can also help. If you are looking for the best CV writing services UK, we can help!

What should I write in my CV if I have no work experience



When you have no experience and need a CV to apply for a job, the task can feel incredibly daunting. It might even seem like an impossible task. After all, how do you write a CV when you have no experience? To land your dream job without any work experience, you must make the most of your other assets. Here are some tips to help you overcome the worries of professional CV writing when you have yet to gain experience, so you get to that all important interview stage.


Open with a personal statement


CVs should always start with an introduction or personal statement, as it's often known, and this is even more pertinent if you have yet to gain work experience. The personal statement describes the attributes that make you an ideal candidate for the role. One of our CV writing tips for candidates without experience is to focus on your soft skills and qualifications.


Example Summary for school leaver applying for customer service role:


Highly organized, articulate A-level student with an A* in English and Communication. Able to communicate well and build strong relationships while thriving in a fast-paced environment. Passionate about helping to achieve business goals.


With the example above, the school leaver has yet to gain experience, but they want to demonstrate that they have the soft skills required for the role.


Transferable Skills


You may not consider the babysitting you did or the leaflet distribution at school that you undertook as 'real' jobs, but these can all provide you with skills to help you secure a role. Remember, employers will often consider transferable skills if you don’t have the exact experience they desire. There is something to be learned from any type of work, even if it is unpaid, so make sure you mention this.


Your Best Assets


What attributes do you possess that would make you an ideal candidate for the role? For example, are you someone who soaks up anything about creativity? Are you a great organiser and able to manage your time well? Consider what skills you possess that will make you attractive to an employer. Some skills to consider for your   CV include; communication, teamwork, leadership, and planning and organisation.


Highlight Education


If you have no experience to mention on your CV, ensure your education stands out and is situated under your personal statement. As part of our CV writing tips, we suggest that you emphasise the subjects you undertook and your final grades. If you are a recent graduate, you can mention any projects that interest the employer.


Consider Voluntary Work


If you want to give yourself the best possible chance of success with your job application, consider undertaking voluntary work to boost your CV. There are always plenty of organisations looking for a helping hand, which can be a great way to gain some new skills and meet new people.


At Inspired CVs, we aim to help you get the most out of your CV, with both traditional and graphic options to help your next role – with or without experience. Contact us today for a professional CV writing service or order a speedy CV service online.



How to Deal with a Negative Employment Reference

When you leave a job on bad terms, your main concern might be the prospect of receiving a bad employment reference. It may even put you off applying for jobs in the first place, or you might be tempted to make up a contact from your last employment. Most employers will ask for two or three references, with your last job being of most interest. If you have concerns over your reference, you needn’t worry; you can take steps to deal with it.

What is a negative employment reference?

Although we all want to leave employment on good terms, this is not always possible. For example, it might be that you didn’t see eye to eye with your manager, you had poor attendance that caused you to lose your job, or you simply couldn’t meet the expectations of the role. Understandably, if you left your previous employment on bad terms, you might be worried about a negative employment reference. 

Do you need a reference?

Most employers use references to give them a better understanding of how you will perform in the role. It gives them peace of mind that hiring you will be a positive experience. Most employers will want a reference from your last employer, and usually, a minimum of two references are required. Here is a guide on dealing with a negative employment reference.

Contact your previous employer

It may be worth contacting your previous employer to determine what you should expect from a reference. You should share your concerns with them if you left on bad terms. It is the policy for many organisations to only provide dates of employment in employment references, so your worries might be unwarranted. If you discover that you will indeed receive a bad reference, it is better to be upfront and honest with your prospective employer. For example, if you lost your job due to poor attendance, you can explain what caused the absences. Employers will be much more willing to hire you if you are honest about the situation from the offset.

Increase positive recommendations

If you expect to receive a poor reference, ensure you have plenty of positive references to back yourself. For instance, you can ask for recommendations on LinkedIn and direct the employer there. If you have several good references, and only one bad reference, there is every chance they will still proceed with the hire.

Ask for a copy

Even if you have left your previous employment on bad terms, it is vital that what is said is accurate and reflective of the situation. If there are questions about your reference, ask for a copy so you can go back to your previous employer to ask them to rectify it.

If you are looking for a new CV or LinkedIn profile to help you reach your true potential, contact us or order directly via our website. 

5 Ways to Cope with Being Out of Work

It can be highly challenging if you are out of work, whether by choice or not. You may have reached the point where you are starting to worry about your finances, and you might be concerned about keeping a roof over your family’s heads. We are not going to pretend that these feelings are not justified or, indeed, that the next job is right around the corner. However, the reality is that often these situations are entirely out of our hands, and all we can do is bide our time and wait it out. If you are in a position where you have lost your job or resigned, you will be experiencing all kinds of feelings. These are some ways you can cope with being out of work.

Understand Your Finances

The major cause of worry for someone who is out of work is, of course, their finances. The feeling that you are losing a grip on your finances and the fear of how you will pay bills in the future can be overwhelming. The first step in this situation is to sit down and work out exactly what your incomings and outgoings are and how long you can afford to be out of work. If your finances will only allow you to be out of work for a couple of months, it would be a good idea to look into your options should you not find any employment. For example, you might be entitled to Universal Credit, other child benefits, etc. The Citizens Advice Bureau is a great place to get free advice on what you are entitled to. Don’t wait until it’s too late to do some research.

Set a Routine

Make sure you have a routine for your day. Otherwise, you could quickly end up wasting your entire day. Without a routine, there is every chance that you will end up staying up until all hours and spending the morning in bed. A few hours in the morning for job searching is sufficient; it is not practical or healthy to spend your entire day thinking about work or lack thereof. The rest of the day could be spent on exercise, doing things you enjoy, such as reading and seeing friends and family.

Practice Mindfulness

It is important to realise that there is only so much you can do to find a job. Otherwise, it is out of your control. As long as you spend some time trying to find a job each day, you can spend the rest of the day on activities you enjoy. Practicing mindfulness by only thinking about the here and now instead of what the future may or may not hold will be hugely beneficial.

Share Your Worries

If you are out of work, it can seriously knock on your confidence and feelings of self-worth. Our jobs are a significant part of us; without this, you may feel a little lost. Don’t be afraid to open up and share your worries with loved ones. It is a time to seek out the support you need.


Get yourself out and network! There are many events on places like Eventbrite, where you can attend events with like-minded people. Not only will this take your mind off your work situation, but it will also give you a chance to make new connections and possibly, connections that can provide or help you find work.

If you are looking for work and want your CV to help you get a foot in the door, contact us today, and we will create the best CV to support your job search.


How to Use LinkedIn to Support Your Job Search

LinkedIn is the most popular social media platform for professionals, and with over 850 million members across 200 countries, it makes sense to integrate it into your job search efforts. However, LinkedIn can seem like a bit of a minefield if you have never used it before. First, you create a profile and connect with relevant people, but what happens next, and can it help you secure a job?

The answer is yes, it can help you in your efforts to find a job, and these are just some ways to use it as part of your job search.

Enhance Your Profile

Recruiters use LinkedIn daily to find candidates. They do this by searching for specific skills, job titles, and locations, so you must ensure your profile is full of information and up to date. The profile should contain information on what you can do and what you are looking for; be as detailed as possible.

Professional Photo

You should always have a photo on your profile, as it makes people feel like they can engage and relate better to you. Remember that this is a professional platform. A finance director sitting on the couch with his dog does not scream professionalism (that is more suited to Facebook.) You are there to do business, whether finding a job or building your network, so ensure your photo reflects this.

Make Connections

With LinkedIn, it is not about connecting with as many people as possible for the sake of it; it is about finding the right connections. For example, those hiring within your field or perhaps employees of a firm you'd like to work for. The great thing about LinkedIn is that you can get directly to the source. You can connect with Directors, hiring managers, and recruiters, without having to go through numerous other avenues first.

Get Recommendations

Recruiters will often check the profile of suitable candidates to see if they have any recommendations. These are basically like references and show that people regard you highly. Reach out to previous employers, university tutors, clients, etc. If you scroll down on the profile page of your LinkedIn, you will see a recommendation section. You can click on the + sign and 'ask for recommendations,' select the relevant person and how you know them. Most people will be happy to provide this (if you can have good relations, that is!)

Highlight Availability

You might have noticed that some users of LinkedIn have 'open to work' on their LinkedIn profile, which is used to help notify recruiters that they are interested in hearing about opportunities. In some cases, recruiters will search for those with 'open to work' on their profile, so it is worth considering on your own. To access this, go to your profile, click on the button entitled ‘open to’ and choose ‘finding a new job.’

Be Active

You need to be active if you want to get noticed in a sea of over 850 million people. Share posts you like, comment on other people's posts that interest you, and share your views. People are always looking for like-minded connections, and the more active you are on LinkedIn, the more people will notice you.

Introduce Yourself

If you have connected with a Director from a company you'd love to work for, don't just sit back and wait for someone to reach out to you. It does not pay to be shy on LinkedIn, so get brave and reach out first. Don't just say 'hello, how are you,' as most people feel uncomfortable with this approach on a professional networking platform. Of course, saying hello, how are you is part of the conversation, but let them know what you want. Get to the point; they will appreciate it.

For example:

 'Hi Simon, how are you? I have just noticed your post regarding a social media manager vacancy and wondered if we could have a chat about it. I have six years' experience, and I'm currently looking to move from my current employer.'

It is polite while also getting to the nuts and bolts of why you reached out. No one wants small talk on LinkedIn; they are there for a reason.


If you are looking for your LinkedIn profile to be created or enhanced, get in touch with us today, and our experienced writers will be happy to assist you.



How long should a cover letter be – and what do you include?

You should think about your cover letter as an introduction. It is the place where you let the hiring manager know who you are and what has led you to this place. It allows you to write more freely than you would in your CV, which will enable you to personalise it a bit more. You don't need to follow the same structured format as you would with a CV, it is a free-form style of writing. It can also allow you to include additional information that might intrigue the hiring manager, such as any significant achievements and your motivation for applying for the role. We would always suggest you include a cover letter when applying for a job unless there is no option to attach this or the employer explicitly requests a CV only.

These are some tips for creating a cover letter that will attract the hiring manager's attention.

Short and sweet

If your cover letter is the size of a novel, the hiring manager is unlikely to take the time to read through it. A long cover letter could turn them off from reading it at all. A cover letter should only be around one page in length. You should not just reiterate the details from your CV; this is a more informal, personalised introduction to the CV. You may wish to mention why you applied for the role, discuss any gaps on your CV, and talk about your main achievements.

Formal Greeting

Your CV should always include a formal introduction. It should either be the primary contact's name, if this is on the job advert, or you can write 'recruitment team' if this information is not readily available. You should not say 'hi' or 'hello' as this is too informal. Instead, it should be something like 'Dear Mr. Graham.'

Avoid Generic Introductions

With a cover letter, you don't have much time to make an impact, so you want to get to the main highlights of your experience and skills from the offset. Avoid generic introductions such as 'I am writing to apply for the administrator role advertised in the job centre, as I feel I am the right fit for the role.' Instead, something like 'I would like to apply for the job of administrator as I am a highly organised individual who increased efficiency in my last role by 50%’, would be much more impactful.

Include a call to action

Let the hiring manager know what you want them to do through a call to action at the end of your cover letter. Are you keen to discuss the company and role in more detail? Would you love to be invited to interview? Let the hiring manager know what you want them to do next. For example, 'I am excited about this role and would relish the opportunity to discuss it in more detail.'

At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with a tailored CV and cover letter to suit your needs. You can order online or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to arrange your FREE consultation.

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