Should I Ask for a Pay Rise?

If you are working hard day in and out, and exceeding the expectations of your role, it is understandable that you might consider asking for a pay rise. Aside from the obvious reason that you would like to earn more money (who doesn’t!), we all need to feel valued at work and a good salary is part of that. Asking your manager for a pay rise can be a daunting prospect and it is important to take a considered approach to it.

Do I have a chance of a pay rise?

Just because you want a pay rise, doesn’t necessarily mean you will get one. For instance, if you’ve had one within the last year, the company may not have the option within its budget. Similarly, if you’ve had poor attendance, even through no fault of your own, it may be worth holding off until you’ve improved this. With that being said, there is never any harm in asking for a pay rise. The worst they can say is no. However, choosing the right time will give you a better chance of success.

Steps for asking for a pay rise

You can’t keep asking for a pay rise, so it is vital that are well-prepared and that you follow a process. These are steps you can take to ask for a pay rise.

Research market rate

Conduct some research on the current market rate for the job and location. The decision on your pay rise won’t just come down to what others are paying, but it can give you a good base for asking for a pay rise. If you are underpaid, compared to competitors in the local area, your manager might be scared about losing you to one of them. Wages have grown in the UK by 6.6% (although this is much less based on inflation.) Average weekly earnings in the UK are £623.

Basis for salary increase

Understanding the reason you think you should get the pay rise, will give you a starting point for the conversation. For instance:

  • Are you going above and beyond the requirements of the role?
  • Are you being paid the same as new recruits, even though you’ve been in the role for some time?
  • Have you gained new qualifications since you started in the role?
  • Have you been offered another job and want to see if your employer will match it?

Make sure you have any evidence to support a pay rise, such as your achievements/additional responsibilities. Your manager may not even be aware of how much you have been doing. If you have saved the company money in any way, this is also good ammunition for asking for a pay rise.

Choosing the best time

There are optimum times to ask for a pay rise. These are times when your manager is going to be most receptive to the prospect. You should not ask for a pay rise if the company is going through redundancies, only ask when the company is in a strong financial position. Another good time to ask is when you have just completed a project or achieved something for the company. You should also ask when your manager doesn’t have a lot on their plate. If they are in the middle of a major piece of work, they may not be able to give your request for a pay raise, the attention it deserves.

Setting up a meeting

You can’t just go up to your manager and ask for a pay rise. Well, you could, but you probably wouldn’t have much success. It is better to have a more formal meeting with your manager, where you can get the chance to present your case in a more structured manner. Your manager is more likely to dismiss the idea if you send them an email about it. They are less likely to do so if you are face to face.

Whether you are actively looking for a new job or interested in hearing about employment opportunities, it is always a good idea to have a professional CV prepared. At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with our professional CV services. If you want to get your CV ready to send to potential employers, you can order directly here, or contact us to find out more.


Why Your CV is an Important Tool When Applying for Jobs

If you are struggling to get an interview but you have the required skills for a role, it may be down to your CV. Candidates often undersell themselves in their CVs, and therefore, it may not be a true reflection of their abilities. There is no underestimating the importance of a CV. It is your marketing tool to get you in front of potential employers and as such, it is important to ensure your CV is professional and reflects your abilities to undertake the role.

Do you need a CV?

When applying for jobs, most employers will ask you to submit a CV. There are very few who will invite you for an interview without a CV, as they would have no insight into your experience and skills. Regardless of the industry or requirement for a CV, it is a good idea to have one prepared incase you ever need it.

What is the purpose of a CV?

Your CV should be viewed as your tool for marketing yourself. It is the main way you show potential employers that you can do the job. Employers may not want to pour over a CV for hours, but they do expect it to be concise, attractive, and professional. If you have any errors in your CV, it will not reflect well on your professionalism. Conversely, if the employer feels that you have spent a lot of time and effort on your CV, they will feel more comfortable about inviting you for an interview. A good quality CV shows a great deal of professionalism.

How to ensure you stand out

There are several ways you can help ensure your CV stands out from the others. If your CV is colourful and contains graphics, it will make an instant impact with employers. Graphic CVs will stand out more in a pile of traditional black and white CVs, so this is an option worth considering. You can also ensure it contains keywords that are relevant to the role. The employer may just quickly scan your CV and therefore, these keywords need to be visible. Your CV can be tweaked to suit the company and role you are applying to.

What should be included in a CV? 

CVs shouldn’t be more than two pages unless it is impossible to tell your story without it being longer. The reason for this is that most employers don’t spend much time perusing CVs and they may have a pile to get through. Therefore, you want to ensure that it doesn’t become an essay. Here are the main elements of your CV:

  • Personal details – your CV should contain your personal details, especially your telephone number and email address. You may also include your social media links if you think they’re relevant (but remember that they might view things that you don’t want them to see!)
  • Profile – the profile is a short summary of your main career achievements and aspirations.
  • Experience – your career history should include the name of the employer, your job title, and the dates you were employed. You should then list your main duties within the role.
  • Education – the education section should list the qualifications and dates and you may want to also include some of the modules and the grades.
  • Achievements – you may also wish to include an achievements section, especially if you have some that you really want to shout about.

Most candidates prefer to get a professional CV, so they can ensure they stand out and make an impact with their CV. If you are interested in a professional CV service, you can order here or contact us to find out more about our CV services.

A Guide to Emailing Your CV to a Recruiter

Once you have your CV prepared and ready to go, it is now time to start sending it to potential recruiters. Whether you are applying for a job or sending a speculative application, it is important to create the right first impression. It is best to email your CV, instead of sending it via post, as most people like to have electronic access to applications.


How to address the recruiter


The first step is to ensure your email address is professional. If it’s currently along the lines of, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or something equally cringey, you should consider changing it. If you are applying for a job, you should send your email to the email address they have specified. However, if you are sending a speculative CV, you might want to try and direct it to the hiring manager. If you are applying to a small company, it is likely that the hiring manager will be the director. However, if it’s a large organisation with a recruitment department, try and find a specific person. LinkedIn is a useful resource for locating this key information.


Subject of email


The email subject is important as it will alert the recruiter to why you are applying. If you don’t make this clear, the recruiter may ignore it. If you have a job reference, you can put this in the subject, as well as the job title. If it’s a speculative application, you may want to include your desired job title.


Reason for the email


You should then state your reason for sending the email. For example:




“Dear Mr Williamson,

I am writing to enquire about any administration roles you might have in your esteemed company. I have strong administration skills, together with experience working within the education sector, which I feel would be highly desirable for this role.”


The body of the email


There is no need to go into huge detail about why your skills and experience, as you will also include your cover letter and/or CV. Here is an example of an email you might consider sending:


Dear Mr Williamson,

I am writing to enquire about any administration roles you might have in your esteemed company. I have strong administration skills, together with experience working within the education sector, which I feel would be highly desirable for this role.

I am highly organised, with the ability to work to tight deadlines and I have experience in dealing with a wide range of people.

I would relish the opportunity to discuss any potential opportunities in more detail and would welcome an initial conversation.

Please find my CV attached for your reference.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely


Kate Smith


To cover letter or not to cover letter


There is a lot of debate about cover letters and whether there is any point in including them. You should always include a cover letter if it is requested on the job application. It is also a good idea to include a cover letter if it is a speculative application, as it can give the recruiter an initial insight into your skills and experience.


When to send your email


It is best to avoid sending your email over the weekend, as there is a good chance the recruiter will miss it amongst the other emails they have received. The best time to send it would be Monday morning as this is the day that most people spend going through their emails and other administrative tasks.


If you need a new professional CV, we can help. You can order here or contact us to find out more about our CV services.

Red flags to look for before accepting a job

It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of being offered a job, especially if you have been out of work for a while. However, it is important that the job aligns with you, otherwise, you will end up miserable and want to leave anyway. These are some red flags to look out for before you decide whether to accept a job.

High Turnover

Good employers don’t have a high turnover of staff – that is a fact, and contrary to popular belief, most people don’t leave jobs just because of the salary. The main reasons are down to flexibility and management. It is important to find out the reason for the vacancy. Is it a brand-new role or have there been several people in the role in the last few years? If it is the latter, it should ring alarm bells. There is a reason people don’t stay in the role. You may want to delve a bit further into why the previous employees left.

Communication Style

You will get a good understanding of the employer throughout the hiring process by looking at their communication style. Are they leaving you hanging without an update? Do they take a long time to respond to texts/emails? Are they contacting you at inappropriate times, such as late at night? If the communication style is unprofessional, it may be a strong indicator of how they will be when you are employed.


There are plenty of ways to check information on companies these days, and it may be worth looking at reviews. Glassdoor and Indeed are good sources of information to find out about the experience of previous employees. It might not completely put you off, but it may give you some indicators of what obstacles to look out for when you are employed.

Interview Process

The interview process can give you an understanding of how the business operates. A strong decision-maker will usually only need one interview to decide, particularly if it is not a management role. If you are being expected to attend multiple interviews, it may suggest that they are indecisive, or there is a lack of trust in the line manager.


What is the culture, and does it align with you? You can get a good idea of this from your interactions during the hiring process. For instance, do they seem to be working around the clock? Are they relaxed with communication? Make sure the culture aligns with you before you accept the job.

The first step in getting to the interview stage is to create a professional CV. With our professional CV services in Glasgow, you will benefit from a high-quality CV that helps you to stand out from the crowd. You can order here or contact us to find out more about our CV services.


How to Prepare for Success in 2024

As 2024 kicks off, we find ourselves inundated with ‘new year, new me’ posts. Ultimately, we have a brand-new chapter ahead of us, and the perfect opportunity to make a fresh start. If you want to prepare yourself for success in your personal and professional life, these are some actions you can take – right now!

Write down your goals

The first step is to understand exactly what you want to achieve from your year. When you understand your overall goals, you can start to take steps to break these down into manageable steps. For example: do you want a new job? Do you have a financial goal? Would you like to start a new business? Do you want to lose weight? It is important to be specific about these goals, as it will help you to understand the actions you need to take to reach them. For instance:

  • Start a new job as a Financial Director
  • Lose 3 stone
  • Earn £100,000 per year
  • Complete a 10K race

It doesn’t matter how ‘huge’ your goals may seem, just write down what you would ideally like to achieve from your year. You may even want to consider creating a vision board, where you can see your goals in front of you. This is often more effective than just writing them down.

Consider milestones

You will want to see progress throughout the year, which is why you might also set monthly or weekly milestones. If you are not achieving the milestones, then you may want to consider making tweaks to your plans. For example, if you have a particular career goal and you are applying for jobs without any success, you might want to look at professional CV writing services. If you are looking to lose weight but the pounds are failing to come off, you might want to add more exercise to your plan or look at your calorie journal in more detail. Most people lose inspiration if they set unrealistic goals without incorporating any milestones. It is unrealistic, for example, to lose 3 stones in a month, but if you set it as a yearly target, it is much easier to achieve.

Break the goal into steps

You can now break your overall goals into the manageable steps you can take to get there; as it is important not to just focus on your overall goal. It can be more enjoyable to pay more attention to the journey, than the overall goal. If we take the new career goal as an example, there are various actions that could be considered, for example:

  • Do you have the necessary skills for the career, or do you need to undertake a course?
  • Do you need a new CV?

If you take these actions and apply for roles on a regular basis, you will be setting yourself up for success.

Similarly, if you want to lose 3 stone, your actions might include:

  • Setting and recording your daily calorie goal
  • 45-minute exercise each day
  • 10,000 steps or more a day

When you focus on the daily actions you can take, the overall goals will take care of themselves.

Take action

Most people fail with resolutions as they don’t take the necessary actions to achieve their overall goal. The goal may seem too difficult to reach or they might start taking steps and then get fed up with it. The main point to remember is that all you need to do is take the small, daily steps that will build up to helping you achieve your overall goal. If you take these steps, you are much further forward than most people!

Reward yourself

You may also want to consider rewarding yourself when you achieve your milestones. This can be an important way to keep yourself on track. Take yourself out for a meal when you hit a milestone or go out and buy yourself something nice. Recognition doesn’t have to come from someone else, be your own cheerleader!

If you are looking for a new job in 2024, we can help at Inspired CVs. Our professional CV writers can provide a high-quality graphic or traditional CV tailored to your individual needs. You can contact us to find out more, or order directly and we will arrange an initial consultation.

What questions can I ask at the end of an interview?

At the end of an interview, most interviewers will ask if you have any questions. It is important to be prepared for this question, as not asking anything may show a lack of interest. Interviewers expect you to be interested in them and what they do, so it is a good idea to ask something that doesn’t relate to the terms of your employment. It is crucial that you pay attention during the interview and don’t ask something they’ve already answered.

Interviews are a two-way street and asking questions can also help you make an informed decision on whether to accept the job, if offered. These are some potential questions to ask at the end of an interview.

What are you looking to achieve in the next 6 months?

This is a good question to ask as it shows that you have an interest in where the company is going and what the future aspirations are.

Is this a new role or am I replacing someone?

There are good and bad points about walking into a new role, versus a replacement. There is the opportunity to make the role your own when it is brand new, however, it may mean that there are no processes in place. It is crucial to get as much information as possible about the set-up of the business.

How long is the training process?

No matter what job you are doing and how experienced you are, there should be a period of training, usually at least 2-3 months. Companies that don’t offer any training are setting you up to fail. If this is the case, it would be a little concerning.

What is the team structure?

It is good to get an understanding of where you fit into the organisation, department, and the team.

What are the expectations of the person taking this role?

It is vital to understand what the expectations are before you start. It may be that the expectations are completely unrealistic and unachievable, and in which case, it may not be the right job. It will also show the interviewer that you are generally interested in how you can achieve the best results in the role.

What is the culture of the organisation?

A positive organisational culture will be one where your views will be encouraged and where you will feel valued and included. A good culture fit is important as it is the way you will achieve positive results in your role. Of course, you won’t get a full understanding of the true culture until you start but it can give you a little insight.

At Inspired CV’s, we can help you reach that important interview stage by creating a professional, high-quality CV. You can contact us or order directly and we will arrange an initial consultation.

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is when you constantly put things off until the last minute, and if you don’t get to grips with procrastination, it could affect your working life and prevent you from achieving success. There are many reasons why people procrastinate. It could be that you are suffering with mental health issues that prevent you from getting work done, or you may be worried that you won’t do your work well enough. If you have a busy social life, it may be that you are simply too busy to complete your tasks. It is less likely that you will procrastinate if working full time in an office. However, if you work remotely, or you are self employed, this can often be an issue. These are some tips to help you get back on track and to find your motivation for work.

Admit the Problem

One of the best ways to deal with procrastination is to admit you are doing it. Some people believe they are workaholics, but in reality, they don’t achieve much in a day. If in doubt, monitor how long you spend on actual work, versus time on your phone, social media etc. You will probably be surprised by the results. If you are spending less time on work and more time on other tasks – you are procrastinating.

Write a To-Do List

If you have a demanding job with a heavy workload, it may seem completely unmanageable and this can lead to procrastination. You will literally do anything to avoid the work. This is where the good old to-do list comes in handy. Every morning, write down the main tasks that you want to achieve for the day. Achieving a short list of tasks is much better than achieving nothing at all. You can always add more to the list as your motivation improves.

Set Deadlines

Make sure you have deadlines set for your all your tasks, so you prioritise them correctly. It will help you create your daily to-do list, and will help ensure you don’t miss anything important. Procrastination, particularly if it’s down to your mental health, can make everything feel like an uphill challenge. Understanding your priorities can help reduce stress levels.

Work at the Right Time

Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to work when they want, but if you have some level of freedom in your job, it is a good idea to work when you feel most productive. If you are bright and chirpy in the morning, this is the best time to get your most challenging (or dreaded) tasks out the way. However, if you are a night owl, you may want to wait until later in the day to tackle these.

Reduce Distractions

If you are prone to procrastination, you will probably be very easily distracted. In this case, its worth removing any potential distractions. For instance, if you find that hours dwindle away when you browse social media, you may want to save this for your lunch hour or when you finish for the day. If you work in a noisy house, you may want to find a quiet space for a few hours to get your work done.

When you reduce procrastination, you can achieve more in your working day and enjoy greater success in your career. If you are looking to improve your career prospects, the first step is to ensure you have the best possible CV. At Inspired CVs, our experienced professionals will create a high quality CV to help you find your next job. You can contact us or order directly and we will arrange an initial consultation.

What qualities do you expect from a manager?

The effect a manager has on your enjoyment of a job can never be underestimated. In fact, two in five employees have actually resigned from a job because of their manager. The relationship between a manager and employee should always be a two-way street. It should not just be about the expectations the manager places on the employee, but also the way the employee expects to be treated. If you are having issues with your manager, you may be wondering if you are being unreasonable, or if you are within your rights to have concerns. These are the qualities to expect from a manager.


Good Communication


Managers should be strong communicators and they should be aware of the language they use when interacting with you. If they are unhappy with an aspect of your work, for example, they should ask how they can help you, instead of placing any blame on you. It is particularly important if you have not been in the job long. A manager should support you and interact with you in a positive, mindful manner.


Offer Autonomy


There is no point in being hired to do a job but everywhere you look, your manager is hanging over your shoulder. Managers should be there as support, but they should trust you enough to get on with your job.


Personal Interest


Although you don’t expect your manager to be your best friend, they should take some kind of personal interest in you. After all, you’re a person, not just a commodity! For example, you would expect them to recognise your birthday or understand your interests. Poor managers won’t take any interest in you, other than doing your job. As such, you won’t feel that they are invested in you as a person.




You should feel that your manager is motivating you. If you dread speaking to your manager, this is a sign that your manager is not doing their job well. You should feel inspired and uplifted by the conversations you have with them. Unfortunately, many people feel the opposite way when conversing with their managers.




There is a basic level of recognition that you should expect from your manager. Recognition doesn’t mean that they need to buy you a gift when you do a good job, but a simple ‘well done’ or ‘thank you’ can go a long way to helping you feel appreciated. Managers that consistently focus on what you haven’t done, rather than what you have, will eventually grind you down.




If you are not performing as well as expected, your manager should have some accountability for this. There is a reason why football managers are sacked before the players. It is because there are expectations that the manager will inspire and motivate the team to perform well. The same applies to other industries. Your manager is responsible for ensuring you are happy, and that you have all the tools and support to perform well in your job. If they are constantly grinding you down, you are unlikely to perform to your full potential.


If you have a poor manager, it can leave you feeling discontented, even if you enjoy your job. In this case, you may decide that the best option is to move on. At Inspired CVs, we can help create a CV that will help you explore other job opportunities. You can contact us or order directly and we will be in touch to discuss your needs in more detail.

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