5 Tips for Working Successfully at Home

5 Tips for Working Successfully at Home

Since the Covid pandemic, remote and hybrid working have become increasingly prevalent in the workplace. According to the Office of National Statistics, self-employed workers are more likely to work from home, with 32%, compared to 14% of those in employment. Employees working in London have the highest instances of hybrid working, with 4 in 10 adopting this approach. There are more working from home jobs in the UK than before the pandemic hit. Working from home offers many benefits, including the ability to have a better work and life balance and the opportunity to spend more time with family. However, it can be challenging to work from home. These are some tips for working successfully at home.

Carve out a Schedule

When you work from home and have a family, you will have the inevitable distractions that come with people coming and going. Working out a schedule with your family is essential so you don’t get diverted from your work. For instance, organising childcare while you work or entering another room where you can lock yourself away from noise. You may find working a bit earlier before the school run starts or later in the evening is more effective. If you live alone and don’t have such distractions, it is still important to carve out your own schedule when working from home. You will have a more successful day if you determine the hours you plan to work, including breaks and a task list.

Create a Comfortable Space

It can be easy to get into the habit of working from your couch or bed while you work, but there are more productive and professional ways to work. You are more likely to maximize your day if you create a comfortable space with a desk, chair, excellent lighting, and all the necessary practical items. The last thing you want is to spend the entire day and night in your bed. It’s not good for your posture when working from home, apart from anything else!

Step Away from Digital Distractions

We all know the issue of spending too much time on our phones. It is a distraction from work and not a very useful one at that! A glance at Facebook or TikTok, and before you know it, you have wasted a few hours. An excellent way to manage your digital distractions is to set specific times for checking your phone during the day, for instance, in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Save your social media browsing for the evening when you are finished working from home for the day.

Regular Breaks

One of the main benefits of working from home is that you can take more regular breaks and get out in the fresh air. Make sure you take breaks every hour or so and get out for a quick walk when you can. Fresh air will make you feel more refreshed and is good for your mental and physical well-being. Make sure you have a network around you so that you do not go the entire working day without speaking to anyone.

Assign Times for Emails

New emails can be a distraction. You might find yourself amid a task, and before you know it, you’ll reply to a new email as it arrives. For some roles, responding to emails is the central part of the role, but if not, assign specific times when you plan to catch up on emails.

If you are looking for a flexible role, the first step is to ensure you have a professional, high-quality CV. At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with a CV that helps you reach the interview stage. You can order your new CV today or contact us, and we will arrange a free consultation.


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