How to Build a Strong Network

How to Build a Strong Network

A strong network can help in various aspects of your life. It can increase your chances of securing a new job, help you progress your career, and allow you to connect with like-minded people. If you are self-employed, having a solid network around you is crucial, as this can help support your mental health. You may feel that everyone around you seems to have a strong network, but you don’t have a big group of supportive people around you. Don’t worry; there are many ways you can start building your network.

Reach out to current connections

Whether it’s friends or acquaintances, it is essential to keep these relationships active. Finding time to meet up with people can often be challenging, especially if you have a stressful job, but this is a vital aspect of building a solid network. You may feel overwhelmed or anxious about meeting up with people, but this is an excellent step to take when creating a network. Reach out to people you know and get something in the diary.

Find people in your industry

It is a good idea to connect with people in your industry, as you can share ideas and tips. You may even find a new career opportunity or a new client. You can do this by adding LinkedIn connections, joining relevant social media groups, and searching for specific industry-led events on platforms like Eventbrite.

Networking events

Networking events can often seem daunting, but they are a great way to meet people. There are different networking events; some are structured, and others are more relaxed. Find the one that best suits your style, or you may even consider setting up a networking event of your own. Networking events don’t to involve everyone sitting nervously around tables, pitching to their audience. If you join groups with like-minded people, such as a running or book group, you will also get the opportunity to network. Charity work can also be helpful for networking.

Engage with Network

You can increase your presence and, therefore, your network by engaging with others and, for instance, sharing, commenting, and liking posts from connections on your professional network. People will soon start to take notice of you and may even reach out with opportunities.

Having a solid network is crucial when you are job searching. You should also ensure you have a high-quality, professional CV. At Inspired CVs, we can provide you with a CV that will help you reach the interview stage. You can order your new CV today or contact us, and we will arrange a free consultation.



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