What to Expect from One to One Consultations

What to Expect from One to One Consultations

When you have your finished professional CV, your next step is applying for jobs. You might not know where to start with your job search, or you may be applying for jobs without success. We offer one-to-one consultations for our CV candidates to help improve their career prospects. As we have been on the CV journey, we understand what you need and how to help you. These are some features of our one-to-one consultations.

Informal Meeting

We will meet up with you at your location choice for an informal initial meeting (and a coffee of course!) to discuss your needs in more detail and to get more information on the progress of your job search and what you have been doing to find a role. We will advise you on what you can do to improve your job search prospects, including sending marketing emails, advice on job boards, and how to ask for feedback. Our consultants are personal and friendly, and everything we discuss will be confidential.

Ongoing Outreach Support

Our service will also include ongoing outreach, where we will utilise our contacts to try and find opportunities for you, together with targeting new contacts to advise on your skills and expertise. This is an ongoing service until you secure a new role.

Email Service

You can email us any time if you have any questions about applying for jobs, interviews, etc. We will also provide the email service for an unlimited time and aim to always be on hand when you need any assistance. There are no silly questions, we are open to hearing any of your queries.

Mock Interviews

We understand that an interview offer is exciting, but also extremely daunting. If you wish to meet up to practice the interview and get honest feedback, this is also part of your one-to-one service. If time is limited, we can do this online, or if you prefer in-person, we can also arrange this.

Further Meetings

As part of your consultation, you may want further meetings to catch up and discuss your progress. We are happy to do this, either online or face-to-face. We do not have a time limit for meetings, and there will be no further costs after paying your initial fee.

If you would like to arrange a one-to-one consultation or to take advantage of our CV writing services, you can contact us or order your CV here.

Get in touch

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+44(0)141 266 0615


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